AngelCAD  1.5-00
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CarrayArray of values or references
 Cas_argsScript input arguments
 Cas_istreamInput stream (usable in console window only). Provides "cin" input stream
 Cas_ostreamOutput stream allowing expressions like: cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
 CboundingboxBounding box aligned with system axes
 Cline2d2d line
 Cline3d3d line
 Clocsys3d3d localsystem
 CmapTemplate container storing sorted keys and values: map<T_key,T_value>
 Cmap_iteratorContainer iterator type for map
 CpfacePolyhedron face
 CpointcloudPointcloud, contains pos3d@ cloud
 Cpos2d2d position coordinates
 Cpos3d3d position coordinates
 CshapeAbstract base for all primitives and booleans
 Cshape2dAbstract base for 2d primitives and booleans
 CcircleCircle, centered at origin
 Cdifference2d2d difference boolean operation
 Cfill2d2d fill operation, filling holes in input shapes
 Chull2d2d hull operation, enclosing the input shapes
 Cintersection2d2d intersection boolean operation
 Cminkowski2d2d Minkowski sum operation
 Coffset2d2d profile offset
 CpolygonPolygon, vertices in CCW order
 Cprojection2dProject from 3d to 2d
 CrectangleRectangle, by default located in 1st quadrant touching origin
 CsquareSquare, by default located in 1st quadrant touching origin
 Cunion2d2d union boolean operation
 CsolidAbstract base for 3d primitives and booleans
 CconeCone with axis in z-direction, by default extending from origin
 CcubeCube, by default in 1st octant with one corner toucing origin
 CcuboidCuboid, by default in 1st octant with one corner toucing origin
 CcylinderCylinder with axis in z-direction, by default extending from origin
 Cdifference3d3d difference boolean operation
 Chull3d3d hull operation, enclosing the input solids
 Cintersection3d3d intersection boolean operation
 Clinear_extrudeExtrude 2d shape in z direction into 3d solid
 Cminkowski3d3d Minkowski sum operation
 CpolyhedronClosed polyhedron volume defined by vertices and planar faces
 Crotate_extrudeExtrude 2d shape CCW in XZ plane into 3d solid
 CsphereSphere, centered at origin
 CsweepSweep 2d shape along path curve to create 3d solid
 Ctransform_extrudeExtrude from botton to top shapes using transform
 Cunion3d3d union boolean operation
 Cspline2d2d cubic spline curve
 Cspline3d3d cubic spline curve
 Cspline_pathSpline_path for sweep
 CstringString type similar to C++ strings
 CtmatrixAbstract base matrix for transformations
 ChmatrixHomogeneous transformation matrix
 CmirrorMirror transformation around given point
 Crotate_xRotation around x
 Crotate_yRotation around y
 Crotate_zRotation around z
 CscaleScaling transformation
 CtranslateTranslation in x, y and z
 Cvec2d2d direction vector
 Cvec3d3d direction vector