Carray | Array of values or references |
Cas_args | Script input arguments |
Cas_istream | Input stream (usable in console window only). Provides "cin" input stream |
Cas_ostream | Output stream allowing expressions like: cout << "Hello World!" << endl; |
Cboundingbox | Bounding box aligned with system axes |
Cline2d | 2d line |
Cline3d | 3d line |
Clocsys3d | 3d localsystem |
Cmap | Template container storing sorted keys and values: map<T_key,T_value> |
Cmap_iterator | Container iterator type for map |
Cpface | Polyhedron face |
Cpointcloud | Pointcloud, contains pos3d@ cloud |
Cpos2d | 2d position coordinates |
Cpos3d | 3d position coordinates |
▼Cshape | Abstract base for all primitives and booleans |
▼Cshape2d | Abstract base for 2d primitives and booleans |
Ccircle | Circle, centered at origin |
Cdifference2d | 2d difference boolean operation |
Cfill2d | 2d fill operation, filling holes in input shapes |
Chull2d | 2d hull operation, enclosing the input shapes |
Cintersection2d | 2d intersection boolean operation |
Cminkowski2d | 2d Minkowski sum operation |
Coffset2d | 2d profile offset |
Cpolygon | Polygon, vertices in CCW order |
Cprojection2d | Project from 3d to 2d |
Crectangle | Rectangle, by default located in 1st quadrant touching origin |
Csquare | Square, by default located in 1st quadrant touching origin |
Cunion2d | 2d union boolean operation |
▼Csolid | Abstract base for 3d primitives and booleans |
Ccone | Cone with axis in z-direction, by default extending from origin |
Ccube | Cube, by default in 1st octant with one corner toucing origin |
Ccuboid | Cuboid, by default in 1st octant with one corner toucing origin |
Ccylinder | Cylinder with axis in z-direction, by default extending from origin |
Cdifference3d | 3d difference boolean operation |
Chull3d | 3d hull operation, enclosing the input solids |
Cintersection3d | 3d intersection boolean operation |
Clinear_extrude | Extrude 2d shape in z direction into 3d solid |
Cminkowski3d | 3d Minkowski sum operation |
Cpolyhedron | Closed polyhedron volume defined by vertices and planar faces |
Crotate_extrude | Extrude 2d shape CCW in XZ plane into 3d solid |
Csphere | Sphere, centered at origin |
Csweep | Sweep 2d shape along path curve to create 3d solid |
Ctransform_extrude | Extrude from botton to top shapes using transform |
Cunion3d | 3d union boolean operation |
Cspline2d | 2d cubic spline curve |
Cspline3d | 3d cubic spline curve |
Cspline_path | Spline_path for sweep |
Cstring | String type similar to C++ strings |
▼Ctmatrix | Abstract base matrix for transformations |
Chmatrix | Homogeneous transformation matrix |
Cmirror | Mirror transformation around given point |
Crotate_x | Rotation around x |
Crotate_y | Rotation around y |
Crotate_z | Rotation around z |
Cscale | Scaling transformation |
Ctranslate | Translation in x, y and z |
Cvec2d | 2d direction vector |
Cvec3d | 3d direction vector |